Sobre Nosotros
Visión, Misión e Historia
La Visión de Línea del Corazón Juvenil es:
familias sanas, niños sanos.
Fundada en 1991, la misión de Línea del Corazón Juvenil es mejorar los resultados positivos a largo plazo y el acceso a los servicios mediante la reducción de los factores de riesgo y las barreras para los niños y familias desatendidos en el Octavo Distrito Judicial de Nuevo México (Condados de Colfax, Taos y Union).
Incorporado por primera vez como Defensores de los Niños de los Tres Condados, Línea del Corazón Juvenil es el primer y único programa de Defensores Especiales Designados por el Tribunal para el 8th Distrito Judicial. Desde entonces, la organización pasó a llamarse Línea del Corazón Juvenil en reconocimiento a una gama cada vez mayor de servicios. Línea del Corazón Juvenil opera oficinas en Raton, NM y Taos, NM.
Agency Policies & Finances
Colleen Shaughnessy, Executive Director
Hometown: Springfield, Illinois
Red or Green: Green
Favorite dinosaur: Pterodactyl
Favorite sweet treat: Creme Brûlée
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? My care for kids.
Feliz Medina, Community Programs Director
Hometown: Taos!
Red or Green: My mom’s red chile
Favorite dinosaur: Pachycephalosaurus
Favorite sweet treat: Tiramisu
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? Providing programs for youth in New Mexico so they have a safe place to be themselves and equitable access to fun
Hometown: Glastonbury, in the county of Somerset, UK​
Red or Green: Much like Goldilocks, whichever is just right, not too hot, not too mild.​
Favorite dinosaur: Keith Richards​
Favorite sweet treat: A nicely aged single malt scotch ​
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? St Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13.
Gerard Jones, Director of Operations
Jolene Young, Raton Youth Transitional Housing Case Manager
Hometown: Raton, NM
Red or Green: CHRISTMAS it’s the best of both worlds
Favorite dinosaur: Velociraptor is my favorite dinosaur because they looked to be cute and fun
Favorite sweet treat: Sweet rice....must include raisins
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? Youth Heartline has great programs for our community families/youth, and as an employee it brings my heart great joy helping others.
Katherine Peralta, Colfax & Union Counties Safe Exchange and Supervised Visitation Monitor
Hometown: Born & raised in Southern New Mexico
Red or Green: Red
Favorite dinosaur: Brachiosaurus
Favorite sweet treat: Carrot Cake
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? Being a positive example for the children we provide services to and helping families in need of our services.
Leslie Warnick, Taos County Safe Exchange and Supervised Visitation Monitor
Hometown: Long Beach, CA
Red or Green: Green tomatillo best
Favorite dinosaur: A made-up one that I drew for a kids’ art project example. It looks more like a friendly dragon with wings, jewelry, shoes, a handbag, and fancy eyelashes.
Favorite sweet treat: watermelon and super chocolaty chocolate cake
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? I value the meaningful work that we do with children and families at Youth Heartline.
Meesha Evans, Taos Pueblo Family Navigator
Hometown: I’m an Army brat but we stayed the longest in Lawton/Ft.Sill OK
Red or Green: Red if we’re talking enchiladas​
Favorite sweet treat: Raspberry almond cake
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? Feeling like I can make a difference makes me feel good about how I’m living my life
Misty Gomez, Colfax & Union Counties Housing and Family Navigator
Hometown: Raton
Red or Green: I love green chili on chili Fries but I like red chili on my mashed potatoes
Favorite sweet treat: Rocky Road candy bars
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? What inspires me is my Community. Youth Heartline has given me the ability and tools to be able to help me help my community in efforts of support and to advocate for our most vulnerable community members.
Nathalie Bertoncin, Taos CASA Staff Advocate & Outreach Coordinator
Hometown: Taos!
Red or Green: Green
Favorite dinosaur: Triceratops & Brontosaurus
Favorite sweet treat: Key Lime Pie & flan
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? Being able to come back to my hometown and be a safe adult for youth in my community.
Valerie Alderette, Raton Programs & CASA Manager
Valerie Alderette
Hometown: Albuquerque & Raton NM
Red or Green: Depends on the dish
Favorite dinosaur: Brachiosaurus (brak-e-o-sawr-us) because the huge dino's spent much of their time in the water.
Favorite sweet treat: Pistachio Ice Cream
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline? The end result for children and families.
Yasmin Haque​
Hometown: Wichita, KS
Red or Green: Christmas
Favorite dinosaur: Archaeopteryx
Favorite sweet treat: Peanut butter pie
What motives you to work at Youth Heartline?
I love having the opportunity to legally advocate for children.
Yasmin Haque, CASA Director
Dr. Pooh Bear, Director of Staff
& Client Support
Hometown: The mean streets of Taos, New Mexico. My mom, CASA Program Director, Yasmin Haque, adopted me in March 2020 from Stray Hearts.
Favorite treat: Chicken and string cheese. Do you have any cheese?
Favorite toy: Anything that my dog cousin Ami is playing with.
Favorite Activity: Hiking with my mom. Sunbathing at Youth Heartline. Spending time with my grandma. Grandma gives me lots of treats.
Favorite part about working at Youth Heartline? The staff is very nice to me and lets me sunbathe outside in peace. I love the kids that come to Youth Heartline. They really seem to like my name.
Junta Directiva
Alice Morillon, Secretaria, Condado de Taos
Brandy Thompson, Presidenta, Condado de Union
Christine Autumn, Directora, Condado de Taos
David Elliot, Director, Condado de Taos
John Shafto, Tesorero, Condado de Taos
Kristen Forrester, Directora, Condado de Colfax
Mary Esther Winters, Directora, Taos Pueblo, Condado de Taos
Terry Kamm, Vicepresidente, Condado de Colfax